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Beijing, China

Age 55

Disability Level 2(no sense of light)

Need help in a public area

Can't distinguish directions

Danger to electronic devices

Cane's function is not comprehensive

Need a device that can direct route in life


Convenience for finding things  

New York City, USA

Disability Level 2(weak sense of light)

Difficulty in commuting

Fear of unfamiliar places

The difficulty of finding things in the house

 Have cane, no other navigation device

Single function for cane

Insufficiency of protection 

Demand for the navigation device 


Furniture that got voice reminder

Shanghai, China

Age 52

Disability Level 1(barely see anything)

Fear of falling and bumping

Lost direction 

Can't survive on his own

Need voice reminder on furniture

Having no device for blind usage

Boston, USA

Age 36

Multiple eye surgeries to help but fail

Glasses and contact don't help

Driving, doing anything at night,

playing sports have obstacles

Want to have a device:

tell the distance of how far away the objects


Extend field of vision

Deeper into the horizon & peripherally

Nanjing, China

Age 37

Disability Level 1(barely see anything)

The great difficulty of finding directions

Having difficulty purchasing things outside

Using phone navigation:

Pro: Voice reminder

Con: High deviation

Nanjing, China

Disability Level 2(weak sense of light)

Hard time finding route outside

Difficult to cook

Haven't got any device

Wanting to go outside without barrier

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